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Role of a Sports Nutritionist in an Athlete’s Performance

Sports nutrition is the study of foods and their impact on an individual who is physically active. This can be implemented in the daily life of a sportsperson in the form of a nutrition plan or a diet chart. Most sportspeople have a support team consisting of a sports medicine doctor, a physiotherapist and possibly a mind coach. The need for a sports nutritionist is usually overlooked by most. This is a trend which is slowly but steadily changing.

A sports nutritionist can help a sportsperson improve their performance and also ensure that good health is maintained. For individuals who train for competitive sports, the stress on the body is immense. To deal with this stress an individual has to fuel his or her body right. This is where the sports nutritionist plays a vital role.

The most important meals to focus on are those before, during and after a workout. Not eating the right food before and during exercise can lead to fatigue which will hinder performance. A good post workout meal will ensure good recovery.

A sports nutrition plan will not be very effective if only adopted during a competition. It takes time for the athlete to make a habit of following the dietary guidelines set for him or her and also the body to adapt to these changes in eating habits. For these reasons the athlete must follow a nutrition plan for at least a month before the competition. For instance, if an athlete suffering from dehydration is given a hydration strategy one day before the competition he or she will not be able to consume the amount of fluids prescribed during the competition both from a physiological and psychological aspect.

Does a nutrition plan differ from sport to sport?

Yes. Every sport is of different duration and intensity. Often team sports require an individual to play at different intervals during a match or game. Carbohydrate, protein and fluid requirements must be calculated by a professional to ensure that the individual is well equipped to do his or her best.

At what age can a sports nutritionist help an athlete?

People of all age groups are involved in sports and can be benefitted by the expertise of a sports nutritionist. Young children these days are very keen on playing sports competitively and should be taught to eat right from an early stage. This is an important age group to focus on as growth is ongoing and the requirements for exercise have to be borne in mind. Investing in a sports nutritionist for a young athlete will equip them to eat right for their sport for life.

Professional dietary help is beneficial for an older athlete as well. Vitamin and mineral losses during exercise are high and as one ages the body’s ability to absorb nutrients diminishes as well. This may lead to metabolic disorders and poor body function. It is also possible that a sportsperson may have a metabolic disease like diabetes or suffer from high blood pressure. A sports nutritionist can prescribe a diet that will help keep these at bay and also enhance physical performance.

Although the internet provides a vast database of information on sports nutrition, it is important to have a professional to compile it all to provide a nutrition plan that works best for an individual.

Author: Anandini Swaminathan, Dietitian & Sports Specialist

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